Math is fun and it should not be scary or stress full. Sometimes people say "I can't help you because I was never good at math."

Monday, July 23, 2012



--is a mathematical operation that represents combining collections of objects together into a larger collection. It is signified by the plus sign (+).


Addition is used in everyday life. Addition is one of the first mathematical operation that students learn after they learn their numbers and to count. Addition is used when you are adding up numbers, like when we add up how many apples each child has, when we add up how many players are on a baseball field. 

Some students may think addition is easy and ask why do we have to keep doing addition this is too easy. Addition may be easy when adding two single digit numbers but it will get more challenging when we get to adding two, three, four and five digit numbers. Addition can also be challenging to some kids when you have to carry numbers and then remember to add them when adding the bext column.

Below is a math games that gives students some practice with adding up numbers. In this game students use marbles to help them add up numbers in order to achieve the correct answer. This is a good idea when working with younger kids. They love use objects to help them add up numbers. 

Here is a whole website with a bunch of different addition games. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012



The exponent of a number shows you how many times the number is to be used in a multiplication.

Using exponents also called powers can be a faster way to write a multiplication problem. like when you have to figure out ....

You can also add, subtract, multiply, or divide a number easier if it is in exponent form then if you have to divide a very big number. 

8x8=64 but it  could also be written as 8² or it could be written in words as 8 squared.

5x5x5=125 but it could be written as 5³ or it could be written in words as 5 cubed

There is a button on calculators for squared is  x²
there is a button for cubed to is look like x³
for the number 4-9 you could just use the ^ symbol after the base number.

Negative Exponents

Negative? What could be the opposite of multiplying?


A negative exponent means how many times to divide one by the number.
Example: 8-1 = 1 ÷ 8 = 0.125

You can have many divides:
Example: 5-3 = 1 ÷ 5 ÷ 5 ÷ 5 = 0.008

But that can be done an easier way:
5-3 could also be calculated like:
1 ÷ (5 × 5 × 5) = 1/53 = 1/125 = 0.008

Below is a cool activity about exponents.

exponent song 




Is a part or portion of a whole.

A fraction has 2 parts a numerator and a denominator.

 The numerator is -- the term of a fraction that is above the fraction bar, that represents the number of equal parts that are.

The denominator is-- that term of a fraction that is below  the fraction bar, that represents the total  number of parts.

Learning about fractions can prove to be very difficult for many students.  There are many rules they must remember when adding, subtraction, multiplying, or simplifying fractions.   For many students it can be way to confusing when the denominators are different. It is hard for students to realize what a faction might look like without giving them manipulatives to see what each fraction might look like. Using fractions is a life long concept the earlier students know and understand what fractions are and what they are used for the easier it will make their lives. 

Fractions are used in many different jobs such as;
Chefs, use fractions when they measure the flour, sugar, milk, oil when they are baking a cake.
Builders, use fractions then they are building a house, decks, and installing wood floors.
Tailors, use fractions when they are sewing a dress, hemming a suit, and buying fabric.
Architects, use fractions when drawing up blueprints, remodeling a house, and landscaping a backyard.

Here are a couple of worksheets that deal with fractions

Below are just some options of manipulatives that can be used to help students understand fractions.

Here is a good game that students can play that help them with fractions.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

3-dimensional shapes

3-dimensional also called geometric shapes, are seen all around us on any given day.

What are 3 dimensional shapes? 

3-dimensional shapes must have a length, width, and height. Examples of 3-simensional shapes are a cone, a cube, a pyramid, a sphere, a cylinder, and a rectangle prism.

Examples of a Cone are an waffle cone, a clowns hat, a mega phone.

 Examples of a Cube are dice, puffs Kleenex box, and cheese cubes.

Examples of a pyramid are pyramids in Egypt, and a food pyramid.

Examples of a Sphere are a soccer ball, a baseball, a pool ball, and a globe.

Examples of a cylinder are a pop can, some garbage  cans, kaleidoscope, and a tootsie roll.

Examples of rectangular prisms are a gift box, a box, a jolly rancher, a window, and a door.

Kids probably play with 3-dimensional objects everyday with out even realizing it. There pencil is a 3-dimensional object.Many things they play with at recess are 3-dimensional objects.

One way to get students to really think about 3-dimensional shapes is to turn it into a contest by giving each student a piece of paper and giving them 2 minutes to write down as many 3-dimensional objects they can with not repeats. Students love contests and this would be an easy contest to do.

 Here is a unit that you can teach students on 3-dimensional shapes.

Here is a worksheet on 3D shapes

You can teach them how to count the number of faces on a shape, how many edges a shapes has, how many vertices they have. I higher grades the students will learn how to find the area and perimeter of 3D shapes.