Math is fun and it should not be scary or stress full. Sometimes people say "I can't help you because I was never good at math."

Monday, July 23, 2012



--is a mathematical operation that represents combining collections of objects together into a larger collection. It is signified by the plus sign (+).


Addition is used in everyday life. Addition is one of the first mathematical operation that students learn after they learn their numbers and to count. Addition is used when you are adding up numbers, like when we add up how many apples each child has, when we add up how many players are on a baseball field. 

Some students may think addition is easy and ask why do we have to keep doing addition this is too easy. Addition may be easy when adding two single digit numbers but it will get more challenging when we get to adding two, three, four and five digit numbers. Addition can also be challenging to some kids when you have to carry numbers and then remember to add them when adding the bext column.

Below is a math games that gives students some practice with adding up numbers. In this game students use marbles to help them add up numbers in order to achieve the correct answer. This is a good idea when working with younger kids. They love use objects to help them add up numbers. 

Here is a whole website with a bunch of different addition games. 

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